Top Innovative Ideas to Get a Luxurious Accent Wall


Every estate needs some or the other kind of luxury within. It can be a furniture item, a ceiling design or even accent walls for a fact. In this article by Building Materials Reporter(BMR), you will know about different ideas that you can use to create an accent wall for your space and make it luxurious like it has never been before.

Try these ideas for yourself and pick one that suits you the best for a Luxurious Accent Wall

Board panelling

Board panelling - Wall

To grab attention of all the guests, you may want to go ahead with this very aesthetic idea. Board panelling using MDF or particle board with decorated sheets or cutwork for accent walls is a very modern yet trendy idea.

Wood panel

Wood panel - wall

Wood surely brings richness into any space. Try wood panels on walls in various dimensions. Make mosaics of wood panels or use them in different shapes and sizes. The outcomes are endless.

Stone cladding

Stone cladding - wall

Having stone like colors and finishes for accent walls is such a great idea. Try stone cladding to bring an immense nature like look and feel in the room using natural stones attached with POP and cement on the base.

Marble, Onyx, limestone

Marble, Onyx, limestone - wall

Natural materials have their own charm. Use marble, onyx or limestone to showcase vulnerability of your space. Not only will the accent wall be aesthetic but it will also keep the space quiet and cool.

Textured wall paint

Textured wall paint

Textured wall paint is the most commonly used idea for an accent wall but trust it when we say that it never fades with time. This idea always stays in trend. Paint your wall in a single dark tone and give it hues of silver or golden to showcase the luxury of the room.

Wallpaper statement

Wallpaper statement

Wallpapers are yet another commonly used kind of accent wall material. You can go ahead with floral wallpapers, textured wallpapers, linen wallpapers, or any sort that suits your room the best.

Brick look

Brick look

When we say natural, having a natural brick look in the space also counts. You just have to use clean, red bricks and make a wall and you’re done. There is no need to make base or paint the wall. Just leave it as it is and cover the surrounding walls in the space. This is just another natural way of having an accent wall.

Mouldings or POP

Mouldings or POP

Want to try false ceiling like look on walls? You can do it. Make mouldings or POP structures for an accent look. The idea is very fresh and trendy these days and its outcomes are endless.

Wall tiling

Wall tiling

Like most of the walls in bathrooms, even living rooms or bed rooms can also have accent walls made of tiles. Use multiple color tiles and mix and match them. You can go ahead with small ceramic tiles in multiple colors and mix them to bring a chic look to the space.

Paint and use stencil

Paint and use stencil

For the simplest kind of accent wall, just simply paint the wall. Make markings on optimum spaces using a stencil and use a different color to paint the stencil on wall.



Glass or mirror is yet another way to have an accent wall within your space. It makes the room look bigger and brighter and adds panache into the space.

Try these ideas and let us know how they worked for you. Reach us on or follow BMR on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You can also subscribe to BMR on YouTube.



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